Friday 24 May 2013

Getting Through

Two Things have helped me get through to the end of an exhausting week.

1. Finishing and Blocking the front panel of N's Vest. 
Feeling so so pleased with how it looks! I was very afraid that that it would look a bit like a craft project...

2. The prospect of getting out for a quiet run this weekend. This is my favourite run by far- 10km of Beautiful Native Bush complete with sea views- Bliss! I love where we live! 

Fingers Crossed for a Better Week next week....

Hope you are all smiling :)

Thursday 2 May 2013

The Greatest Joy

 If you know me then you would know that I love gifts. No, let me say that again, I LOVE gifts. I love receiving them, I love giving them, I love wrapping them, I love planning them, I love enjoying them, I love seeing others enjoy them. Even better is combining my love for creating with my life of gifts.

One of the Greatest Joys is to create for others. 

Recently I was lucky enough to both have the time and the opportunity to create for some of my favorite people. The first was for one of Big L's dear friends, and daughter of one of my dear friends. I found the pattern wildly difficult but the prospect of seeing this lovely young lady wearing it made me soldier on. I love the yarn too, it looks delicious enough to eat! Looks like Coconut Ice don't you think!

   I was so lucky to find those buttons, I think they are so so so sweet :)

This pattern was purely fun and fast! Projects like this sure have a time and a place :) I made this scrummy tea cosy for a very dear friend, known for her love of tea and daffodils. This was one of the projects where all the while I was working on it I was not sure if it would look amazing or just end up weird. Luckily the second it was done I LOVED it! Woohoo! And most importantly so did my friend :) We had such a great time celebrating her birthday. N and I even braved taking the three Rascals out to a Japanese Restaurant for the occasion! They sure did their Mamma and Pappa proud!
I wish I remembered to take a photo of the Rascals meals, which were served in Aeroplanes! 
Highlight of the year for them for sure!

 The next project is not yet finished but even just the idea of it has brought me such joy! N finally let me make something for him! Wooohoo! He is my Most Special Person and more than anyone I have wanted to make something for him, yet he has never wanted anything (also gifts are not really his thing so if I spent months making something for him and he didn't really like/want it, it would have been completely lost on him). I had to work really hard not to squeak with excitement while he looked through patterns with me. He picked an Argyle Vest, actually it is called 'Mangyle'- how appropriate :) Take a minute to look at the pattern it has the most hillarious photo, the Model lounging on his motorcycle in his Argyle Vest, boy did we laugh! As N is a keen cyclist we plan to take a similar photo of his completed vest with him louging on his Bicylce.
Once all aspects of the project were confirmed with N I couldn't stop myself racing out the next day to get the yarn and immediately set to work. 
Will show an update soon :)


So there you go, this is why I have not been so present on here lately :) I have been busy making making making! 
I have also been working in secret on a collaboration with my Sister which I will be able to reveal soon :) It has taken up alot of time, but it has all been happy time. The combination of my love for my Sister and my love for Creating can only be good really :) 

Still living the life.
