Monday, 27 February 2012

My Inner Child

The kids and I have been collecting the boxes from our weekly groceries shop with the plan to create something. And last week as the rain poured creativity struck! Boxes, tape, stapler, paint, sponges, brushes and stickers, we were in for a good day! As I turned off my worries regarding kids painting inside, Master 3 embraced his desire to organise and before I knew it we were making a TRAIN! Half way through the creation he paused, took my face in his hands and said: "Mummy it is SO beautiful!" My heart warmed.

When the rain cleared in the afternoon we climbed on board for an adventure out in the garden. We zoomed from place to place until finally we rested under the tree for a tea party. Best day :)


  1. Great train! Also love your photographic 'eye'

  2. Oupa & Ouma miss these babies so much!

  3. Thanks! Most fun I have had with the kids in ages:) Wish I had that kind of energy everyday x

  4. I love the little crinkle in the tummy of the last photo. And yes... the train is "SO beautiful" !
